Sunday 6 November 2011

China's Growing Space Program

The Long March rocket carrying the unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou 8 blasts off from the launch pad at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre Photo: REUTERS

China's Huge Leap Forward Into Space Threatens US Ascendancy Over Heavens -- The Telegraph

When China managed dock two unmanned spacecraft orbiting earth for the first time, it took a great leap forward in its new race into space, reports David Eimer in Beijing.

Floating 200 miles above earth is the latest symbol of China's determination to become a true global superpower.

When the Tiangong 1 module docked successfully with the Shenzhou 8 spacecraft in the early hours of Thursday morning, China took a giant step towards its dream of becoming the pre-eminent power in space, a position some experts believe it may claim by 2040.

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